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Monday Road Trip: Pagadian City

For the past month since I went to and fro in Ozamis city, it was my first time to bring a pounding heart while adding another extra miles to my road trips and travel. Only because we travelled during the night going to Pagadian City plus the stigma of traveling farther Mindanao is there. But the time we get there, the scary feeling was replaced by a safe and sound assurance like a “Yes we arrived safe!”

It totaled to about 6 hours. About 2 hours from Cagayan de Oro City to Iligan City while another 4 hours going further to Pagadian City.

Now, I should be starting to familiarize the places we pass by in going there. Here are the places I have passed below:


and finally, PAGADIAN CITY!

Keep posted for the different discoveries I get to find within the city!